Pylint output ------------- Output options '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Output by default is written to stdout. The simplest way to output to a file is with the ``--output=`` option. The default format for the output is raw text. You can change this by passing pylint the ``--output-format=`` option. Possible values are: ``text``, ``json``, ``parseable``, ``colorized`` and ``msvs`` (for Visual Studio). Multiple output formats can be used at the same time by passing a comma-separated list of formats to ``--output-format``. This output can be redirected to a file by giving a filename after a colon. For example, to save a json report to ``somefile.json`` and print a colorized report to stdout at the same time: :: --output-format=json:somefile.json,colorized Custom message formats '''''''''''''''''''''' You can customize the exact way information are displayed using the `--msg-template=` option. The `format string` uses the `Python new format syntax`_ and the following fields are available : path relative path to the file abspath absolute path to the file line line number column column number end_line line number of the end of the node end_column column number of the end of the node module module name obj object within the module (if any) msg text of the message msg_id the message code (eg. I0011) symbol symbolic name of the message (eg. locally-disabled) C one letter indication of the message category category fullname of the message category For example, the former (pre 1.0) default format can be obtained with:: pylint --msg-template='{msg_id}:{line:3d},{column}: {obj}: {msg}' A few other examples: * the default format:: {path}:{line}:{column}: {msg_id}: {msg} ({symbol}) * Visual Studio compatible format (former 'msvs' output format):: {path}({line}): [{msg_id}{obj}] {msg} * Parseable (Emacs and all, former 'parseable' output format) format:: {path}:{line}: [{msg_id}({symbol}), {obj}] {msg} The ``--msg-template`` option can only be combined with text-based reporters (``--output-format`` either unspecified or one of: parseable, colorized or msvs). If both ``--output-format`` and ``--msg-template`` are specified, the ``--msg-template`` option will take precedence over the default line format defined by the reporter class. If ``end_line`` or ``end_column`` are ``None``, they will be represented as an empty string by the default ``TextReporter``. .. _Python new format syntax: Source code analysis section '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' For each python module, Pylint will first display a few '*' characters followed by the name of the module. Then, a number of messages with the following format: :: MESSAGE_TYPE: LINE_NUM:[OBJECT:] MESSAGE You can get another output format, useful since it's recognized by most editors or other development tools using the ``--output-format=parseable`` option. The message type can be: * [I]nformational messages that Pylint emits (do not contribute to your analysis score) * [R]efactor for a "good practice" metric violation * [C]onvention for coding standard violation * [W]arning for stylistic problems, or minor programming issues * [E]rror for important programming issues (i.e. most probably bug) * [F]atal for errors which prevented further processing Sometimes the line of code which caused the error is displayed with a caret pointing to the error. This may be generalized in future versions of Pylint. Example (extracted from a run of Pylint on itself...): :: ************* Module pylint.checkers.format W: 50: Too long line (86/80) W:108: Operator not followed by a space print >>sys.stderr, 'Unable to match %r', line ^ W:141: Too long line (81/80) W: 74:searchall: Unreachable code W:171:FormatChecker.process_tokens: Redefining built-in (type) W:150:FormatChecker.process_tokens: Too many local variables (20/15) W:150:FormatChecker.process_tokens: Too many branches (13/12) Reports section ''''''''''''''' Following the analysis message, Pylint can display a set of reports, each one focusing on a particular aspect of the project, such as number of messages by categories, modules dependencies. These features can be enabled through the ``--reports=y`` option, or its shorthand version ``-ry``. For instance, the metrics report displays summaries gathered from the current run. * the number of processed modules * for each module, the percentage of errors and warnings * the total number of errors and warnings * percentage of classes, functions and modules with docstrings, and a comparison from the previous run * percentage of classes, functions and modules with correct name (according to the coding standard), and a comparison from the previous run * a list of external dependencies found in the code, and where they appear Score section ''''''''''''' Finally, Pylint displays a global evaluation score for the code, rated out of a maximum score of 10.0. This output can be suppressed through the ``--score=n`` option, or its shorthand version ``-sn``. The evaluation formula can be overridden with the ``--evaluation=`` option.